Breakfast: The First Step

Eating breakfast will supply energy for the beginning of the day, quench your hunger after several hours of sleep (preventing you from gorging at lunch), and raise your metabolism level.

Breakfast does not have to be a sit-down, cooked meal. It can be a substantial snack on your way to work, school or practice. Plan what you will eat the night before to help you "grab and go" in the morning. Some suggestions:

  • Yogurt: Keep your refrigerator well stocked, add cereal for crunch
  • Banana: Eat an extra-large one, chased by a large glass of milk
  • Blender drink: Whip together juice, fruit, and yogurt or dried milk powder
  • Raisins and peanuts: Pre-packed in small plastic bags, these are easy to tuck in your pocket
  • Bran muffin: Add raspberry jam for a tiny bit more fiber
  • Bagel: Spread it with peanut butter and then wash it down with a half pint of low-fat milk
  • Graham crackers: Refresh yourself with this childhood favorite – graham crackers and low-fat milk
  • Pita bread: Stuff it with low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, hummus, sliced turkey, or other handy fillings

Eating Frequency Fact Sheet PDF