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Student-Athlete Profile: Tiffany Mikulis '25

Tiffany Mikulis
Tiffany Mikulis

Name: Tiffany Mikulis 

Sport: Women's Lacrosse 

Hometown: Hopkinton, Mass. 

High School: Hopkinton High School 

Favorite professional athlete: Sam Apuzzo 

Fun Fact: I spend most of my free time in the summer surfing. 

Why did you choose Haverford?
I ultimately chose Haverford because of its uniqueness. Throughout my college search, I looked at a lot of schools similar to Haverford, small in size, offering a liberal arts education, and having sports at the D3 level. Haverford, however, stood out from the rest. Its academic freedoms, Honor Code, strong student-to-faculty relationships, and emphasis on trust captivated me. At Haverford, students are given the opportunity to truly take control of their affairs. It is a welcoming place where you can express your creativity comfortably. 

What is your favorite team experience?
One of my favorite team experiences was when we found out we made NCAA's during the 2022 season. We were all sitting in a conference room together, anxiously waiting for the results. After about 30 minutes had passed, we finally received the news that we had made it into the NCAA's for the first time since 1991. I remember seeing everyone jump with excitement and feeling both so proud and cheerful. I practically hugged every single person on my team at that moment. There is even a video of this experience found on the Haverford Women's Lacrosse Instagram page. Later that afternoon, we had an amazing, high-energy, and positive practice filled with lots of laughs. I knew that day would be something I'd never forget. 

Why did you choose to play a sport in college?
As a former three-sport athlete, sports have always been a huge part of my life and I often found myself performing my best under a busy sports-filled schedule. Athletics constantly provided me with a healthy balance between academics and extracurriculars. As I got older, I started to realize the various lessons I acquired from being an athlete. Sports served as an outlet for my mental health and provided me with effective time management and teamwork skills, discipline, and a strong work ethic. During my freshman year of high school, I truly realized I wanted to further my sports career at the collegiate level. I knew playing a sport in college would allow me to gain an even further understanding of what it means and takes to be a student-athlete. What makes Haverford unique? 

 What advice would you give a high school student considering Haverford? 
College searching can be a very daunting experience, but there are a lot of ways to make it easier and less stressful. First, I would definitely recommend talking to or exchanging emails with a current student at Haverford. People here are always so helpful/knowledgeable and will be sure to provide you with the inside scoop. Second, I would definitely, if you can, try to visit the campus once or twice before committing. It is always helpful to evaluate a college environment in person before making your final decision. And lastly, I definitely recommend looking a little bit into the faculty, course options, and Haverford-specific values. Consider asking yourself questions like, "What is the student-to-faculty ratio?", "What courses sound interesting to me?", and "What is the average class size and would I like that?", etc. Haverford College is a wonderful place to be if you value liberal arts education, honesty, inclusivity, and strong connections.