2020 Season Preview
The familiar phrase 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' has never felt more real than in these current times, just ask the Haverford College women's cross country team captains. Having their outdoor track & field season canceled before it even got underway, the Fords are back and grateful for every moment they get to spend with their teammates.
"We've realized that being able to practice with each other is a privilege. Every day we're more grateful for that," said Molly Hawkins.
Even though sports at Haverford are currently postponed through January 1, the Fords are in the unique position that they traditionally compete during the fall, winter, and spring. In the meantime, the team is trying to do everything it can in hopes of a return to competition during the spring semester. The motivation and will to compete is certainly being spurred on by the team's comradery.
"Being away since March really made me miss being with the team, running with the team, working out, and pushing myself from our community," commented Amalia Axinn. "I can already see my training getting better just because of the mere presence of other people."
This semester certainly has its unique look, as any Haverford student could testify. Even though running can be viewed as individual sport, these Fords are still competing for the team. It is that team bond and encouragement that pushes these student-athletes beyond means that they thought were physically possible.
"Our strongest performances as a team have come when we're most connected. So [staying connected] has always been a huge goal for our team," Axinn explained.
Staying connected certainly has its challenges when the team's practices are broken down into smaller groups to comply with the College's health and safety guidelines. Nevertheless, knowing the importance of strong team chemistry has made this a very intentional focus from the outset of the semester. Even though the practice groups may be divided, the team still comes together with socially-distanced team dinners, Zoom calls, and Zoom "office hours."
"It has been tough, this year more than ever, to try to create unity and be a cohesive team," said Axinn. "Our team has really tried. We're putting in a lot of effort to make online events happy, fun, and exciting."
Hawkins added that, "What's great about the Zoom events that we are doing is that we are able to loop in people that are remote. The Zoom events have been great. In addition to the Zoom events, we're still able to have some in person interaction on campus."
To use another cliché quote, 'a team is only as strong as its weakest link.' In order for the Fords to show off their talents when competition does return, every individual is training to reach their own personal excellence.
"I think that improvement is the name of the game," stated Axinn. "Just working on being on shape, getting in better shape, working on your reps, just doing it because you love it. In this time without competing against other schools, its testing us to show us how much we love the sport and how much we want to do it to make yourself better."
Although any athlete would rather be lacing up their shoes to toe the line against outside competition, a benefit for some on the team has been an increased passion for the sport they feel in love with long ago.
"My love for running has grown immensely," said Hawkins. "The way I looked at running and what it meant to me has completely changed and that's all due to the people I was running with and the relationships that I have built here."
While the Fords continue to train with aspirations of a spring semester competition schedule, every member of the team has come to realize that the friendships that have pushed these student-athletes to incredible heights during their athletic career will have a lasting impact long after Haverford.
"Being a part of [this team] has been an incredible experience," said Griffin Kaulbach. "My love of this sport grew exponentially as I joined the team. It's more of a family. It's been awesome to learn lessons from my friends. It's just been an incredible experience."
With the opportunities to practice this fall, these young women certainly have many more memories to made in the coming year.